The event
“Between Rembetiko and Modernity” – contemporary guitar music by regional composers (Stefan Ebertsch / Heinrich Hartl / Werner Heider / Klaus Jäckle)
Guitar: Klaus Jäckle
Oct 31, 2021 5:00 p.m., Katharinensaal, Nuremberg (opposite Katharinenruine, entrance to Peter-Vischer Straße)
Rembetiko (“Greek blues”) came to Greece via Greek refugees from Izmir in the 1920s and experienced its peak there in the 1930s to 1950s. The composer Stefan Ebertsch takes up typical scales, varies them and leads them into the modern age. In addition, contemporary works by Heinrich Hartl / Klaus Jäckle / Werner Heider are presented.
Stefan Ebertsch
Miniatures from “Between Rebetiko and modern age” (2017-2019)
Something goes wrong from „Black fog clears” (2020)
Werner Heider
Ausdruck (1997)
Heinrich Hartl
Rasgueado del viento op. 118 (2002)
Klaus Jäckle
Herbst (1987)
Funded by the City of Nuremberg, Mayoress, Department of Culture